Monday, October 10, 2011

Perfect Start to Fall

This was a super easy project and perfect for the hour and fifteen minute art time we had.
  1. We started with coffee filters and watercolor
  2. The first step was to spray the coffee filters with water
  3. Then added watercolor to wet coffee filters

This is what the newspaper looked like afterwards - pretty!

  1. After about 10 or so coffee filters were painted we went outside for a nature search
  2. We found branches that had lots of extending twigs to add our own leaves
  3. We took the leaves off if the branch had any on, because we added our own "forever" leaves
  4. After coming inside, the coffee filters weren't quite dry, so we used a hair dryer to finish the job.
  5. Then, folded each coffee filter as many time as possible into a small triangle and cut out a leaf shape (I drew a leaf shape for the students)
  6. Hot glue did the trick to the branch! Viola! 

Thanks to for your inspiration!

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