This was a super easy project and perfect for the hour and fifteen minute art time we had.
- We started with coffee filters and watercolor
- The first step was to spray the coffee filters with water
- Then added watercolor to wet coffee filters
This is what the newspaper looked like afterwards - pretty!
- After about 10 or so coffee filters were painted we went outside for a nature search
- We found branches that had lots of extending twigs to add our own leaves
- We took the leaves off if the branch had any on, because we added our own "forever" leaves
- After coming inside, the coffee filters weren't quite dry, so we used a hair dryer to finish the job.
- Then, folded each coffee filter as many time as possible into a small triangle and cut out a leaf shape (I drew a leaf shape for the students)
- Hot glue did the trick to the branch! Viola!
Thanks to for your inspiration!
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