Friday, February 17, 2012

Ready for Our Next Fox 28 Segment!

By Tessa, age 5.
In a few short days, one of my little artists, Shauna, and I will be heading over to Fox 28/ ABC 6 Studios for Children's Art Studio's monthly craft segment. If you are in the Columbus area, catch it Monday, February 21, at 8:15am on Good Day Columbus.  We're making Mardi Gras Masks, and of course, they're totally kid-friendly.
Unfinished Mask by Shauna, age 6.
First, browse three printable mask templates to see which you like best. Or of course, you can make your own version by drawing half and folding down the middle before cutting (so it is perfectly symmetrical).
  • Mask #1
  • Mask #2 (thanks to Kaboose)
  • Mask #3 (great for a little face)
  1. One piece of felt (any color, but we went traditional Mardi Gras)
  2. Craft Glue or Glue Gun if there is a parent using it
  3. Any ribbon (we used gold and purple)
  4. Marker
  5. Masking or painter's tape
  6. Scissors
  7. Feathers
  8. Optional - sticky shapes
  9. Optional - glitter
  10. Optional - pompoms
  11. Stapler
Here We Go
  • Cut out your paper mask. To cut out the eye holes, just fold the paper in the middle of the eye and cut a slit so kids can put their scissors through the slit and finish the job 
  • Lay the paper mask on to the piece of felt. 
  • Trace with a marker 
  • Cut mask out of felt.
    Shauna did this completely by herself.
    By the time I got the camera, she had done these steps without any direction from me. It was beautiful!
  • The next stuff is all up to you. We added gold string around the eye holes. We added pompoms in a pattern around the border. We had to add purple feathers, of course. Have fun with this.
I don't know why that Scotch tape or the Elmer's glue are in  the photo. We honestly didn't use either.  Oops!

  • If you are adding feathers to stick out of the top, flip your mask over so you are looking at the back.
  • Add glue and attach feathers
  • Next, cover this glue and pointy ends of the feather with tape.
  • This way, kids won't complain that it hurts or itches.

  • To attach the string to make the mask wearable, hold of the mask to kiddo's face and measure length. 
  • Cut and staple to one corner on the back of the mask
  • Go ahead and put the tape over this too - the staple could be itchy too.
  • Hold against mask wearer's head again and staple on the other side.
  • It's as simple as that.

Now, go and have your own Mardi Gras party (of course Family Gras style)!

Thanks for the inspiration Alpha Mom, Kaboose, and Glue Gun Crafts.

Enjoy - Xo, Anna

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