Sunday, April 8, 2012

Upcycled Flower Power!

Above, we did these projects on pieces of wood. Added newspaper, tissue paper, and gems. Below, you'll learn how to make your own with recycled lids, cardboard, and magazine clippings.

This project is very similar to the beginning of this post, but here, I wanted to provide a few different recycling ideas as well as a better DIY tutorial for you Good Day Columbus viewers!

What you need:
  1. Your creativity. Try REALLY hard to only use household/recycled items.
  2. Cardboard or wood
  3. Elmer's glue and water
  4. Paint if you've got it
  5. Old magazines to cut up
  6. Scissors
  7. Maybe some...newspaper, lids, buttons, corks, etc.
  8. Look around!
Start with anything you have at home.

Tear out colorful pages of magazine.

Cut magazine pages into strips. Take glue and water and mix to a "icing" consistency.

Lids. Lids. And more lids.

Add strips with glue mixture and paint brush.

Glue on top, too.

Build lids to make flowers.

Cut petals out of magazine. Or even newspaper for a different texture.

Add grass/leaves/stem.

Have fun. And show me what you come up with. The possibilities are endless!

Be Well and Be Inspired,

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