Thursday, March 29, 2012

27 years, 27 materials.

Today, March 29th marks my 27th year of life. And from another crafty blogger, there always comes inspiration. Elise writes her heart out via enJOY it, one of my most favorite places on which to (purposely) stumble. So thank you Elise, for posing this fabulous challenge (interestingly enough, she's 27 this year too) because I've taken hold and started running!

So, stay tuned. Get involved. With the kiddos of Children's Art Studio (or if I'm really good, on my own) we'll create 27 new projects with 27 different materials.

Do you have some material suggestions? Share it with me. Let's get our art on, because...


Thursday, March 22, 2012

Enthused Thursday!

O'Keeffe Inspired Watercolor: Wine Your Art Out!
Saturday, April 14th. 

But first, enjoy some artistic enthusiasm.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

"No Pinch Pins" for Good Day Columbus!

Sharing a wee little St. Patrick's Day Luck

What you need:

  • Two-Four Safety Pins (any size) 
  • Contact Paper
  • Scissors, Hole Punch, Pencil
  • Green paper
  • Beads
  • Clover stamp (optional)
  • Or...forget the paper/stamp. Find a real clover and use that!


What to do:
Draw or stamp clover

Turn it over so you don't see pencil lines
Place on contact paper and fold.
Make sure there is plenty of room above the clover for a hole punch.
Punch hole and cut around clover
Add a couple beads to larger safety pins.
Fashion like so.
Add safety pins through beaded pins.
This is the pin you will use to attach to clothing.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Snowflakes...Not in Ohio?!

We made this "winter art project" in January. It hasn't brought any snow (fine by me!) and it still doesn't seem that winter will ever come our way - but nevertheless, I had to share this fabulous project! So simple, very practical, and easy on the wallet. You really only need four supplies.

  1. Canvas (or paper will do the trick)
  2. Masking tape (if you are using paper, then you will need painter's tape)
  3. Paint
  4. Paintbrush
  5. Optional: Sharpie, Gems, Glitter Glue, Ribbon
Ready to make this?

Okay, here's how:
  1. Add masking tape in an X  on your canvas.
  2. Continue with masking tape to create an asterisk shape.
  3. At the tips of each point of the asterisk shape, add two small piece of tape on both sides to form a Y. (The image above was a little different. Madison cut 3 triangle shapes and added to the tips of each straight line.)
  4. Press masking tape down firmly onto the canvas.
  5. Paint, baby, paint.
  6. Any colors, anywhere.
  7. Only rule was to make sure you paint all the way up (and even touching) the masking tape.
  8. After the painting is finished and dry, take off the tape.
  9. Now, you can add embellishments
    1. Glitter Glue
    2. Gems
    3. Ribbon around the edge like a border, etc.
  10. Have fun (even if it isn't building snowmen or making snow angels)!
Nina being very focused
Della laying down lots of color
Faith added red polka-dots too
Madison (several grades older) added tape a little differently.
Here, she adds a sharpie outline to the snowflake's edges to make the shape "pop."

xoxo, Anna